Saturday, April 7, 2012

Of life.

Assalamualaikum :)

The biggest problem with me? I procrastinate. There are so many things I want to share but then I keep - okay where do I start?

Another thing, I have the shortest attention span, I even put the goldfish to the wall of shame. One day I was going to comb my hair (comb was in the wardrobe) then I saw what a mess my clothes were, I began unloading them and re-folded them, and ended up not combing the hair, ahaha.

So you put them together, you arrive at this : (procrastinating like there's no tomorrow + unbeliavably short attention span = an abandoned blog)
That equation is going to be the end of me some day -big, dramatic sigh-

But today, it was different, this story, is not fabricated, not a product of my twisted imagination either and I feel the need to share with you.

At the not so busy Orthopaedic clinic, holding the last file for today. Mr X, Malay, 18 years old, thick file, two volumes, serial of xrays. *what could be the problem*

Okay after doctor has attended to him I went to interview him. Before that, as a head-up, our group is doing a research on amputees and so far I've encountered many of them but this one, he was the youngest of all. Most of our patients are elderly, majority was secondary to diabetic.

Shall we see this chronologically? yes, we shall. He was born prematurely, at 7 months prior to his mother involving in an alleged MVA. Okay sweethearts, release your breath now, his mom was doing okay then, and now. But her little baby was diagnosed with Amniotic Band Syndrome and he had to undergo below knee amputation of his right leg. The surgery was performed when he was at day four of life. Day four of life, sweethearts.

I have this soft spot, where I think babies or infants to be precise they are all born pure, innocent and white and for them to get harmed in any way, it breaks my heart.

He started using prosthesis when he was 9 months, can you imagine poor baby struggling with that foreign material? how he must have felt, and as he grew up does he feel different, or out of place?

Otherwise he is a real pro right now, as he has been using the prosthesis for good 17 years. A black belt in taek wando, and a sepak takraw trainer, he really is something. Still, it pains me, someone so young and healthy living the life but who am I to complain when he himself is optimistic about his future?

That brings to another point. A friend once asked me, how did I feel about failing a paper? I shrugged, and answer nonchalantly, 'this is nothing, really, comparing to others out there who suffer much greater deal'

Honestly, what is failing a paper to famine? to losing a limb? to losing one's sight? to not having a family who supports you, backs you up whenever you screw up?


Points to ponder:
1)Let's get back to the Amazing Boy(this question was asked by Prof A) : Why does he need frequent follow up?
Because he is a paediatric amputee, his bone is still growing and we need to monitor if there's any bony spurs, cos it's painful you know having bone out of its place. Investigation ordered : Xray of the limb.

2)More about amniotic band syndrome.

3)More about prosthesis for sport.


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